Welcome to my website, I’m delighted you’ve landed here, especially if you are a woman on or ready to step onto the path of having a loving and fulfilling relationship with yourself. I work with women who desire a deeper connection with themselves, who are willing to show up for themselves and want to establish life enhancing supportive practices.  My spell is one of love and my prayer is that all women can love themselves so deeply that their wisdom, desires and unique magic are easily accessible.

Her Wild Body has been created to support you in becoming embodied in your deepest essence through working with your body, spirit and the earth. Fully owning our wild & free nature is a spiritual path that is not always easy to walk as its depth can be dark and messy but with that comes so much beauty and love. If you are already partly connected to your inner wild woman or are ready to set her free please take your time to read through what I offer to see how you may like to connect or work with me.

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